Free Parking & Valet Parking Privilege

(All free parking privileges at Harbour North are exclusive to The Point members only)
Parking Offers Date Minimum e-Payment Spending1 The Point Bonus Point1(Applicable to phase 2-3 carparks) Hours of Free Parking2
Hourly Parking3 Mon to Fri
(except public holiday)
HK$2005 2,0006 1 hour
HK$4004 4,0006 2 hours
Sat, Sun & Public Holiday HK$4005 2,0006 1 hour
HK$8004 4,0006 2 hours
【Extra Rewards】If one of the receipts is issued by a designated retail merchant and exceeds HK$200, members can receive an additional complimentary “1-hour Parking Redemption ePass” for the next visit^ Press here for the list of Designated Retail Merchant
Valet Parking3 Everyday HK$1,5004 --- 1 hour
HK$3,0004 --- 2 hours
Redemption Method Redemption Time (Ingress Time)
Harbour North Customer Care Centre (by same-day e-payment receipt):
1. Phase 2: 1/F Customer Care Centre
Phase 2: 10am - 10pm (Mon-Sun)
2. The Point App (by The Point Bonus Point) 7:30am – 11:00pm
Extra Hour by presenting ACX movie ticket stub*
Privilege Period4 Spending Amount by Electronic Payment Hour(s) of Free Parking2
10:00 - 22:00
Present 1 same-day ACX Cinemas physical movie ticket stub* Extra 1 hour
Present 2 same-day ACX Cinemas physical movie ticket stubs* Extra 2 hours
*Accept only same-day physical movie ticket stubs purchased with electronic payment and corresponding electronic payment slips must be presented for verification.
Terms & Conditions apply, for details, please click here.

2Maximum 6 hours
3Free hourly parking privilege is applicable to private cars at Harbour North Phase 1-3 carparks while valet parking service is only applicable to private cars at Harbour North Phase 1 carpark
4Maximum 2 same-day machine-printed receipts (from any Harbour North Phase 1-3 tenant)
5Single same-day machine-printed receipt from any Harbour North Phase 1-3 tenants

6Free parking redemption by The Point bonus point and Contactless Parking are only applicable to private cars at Harbour North Phase 2-3 carparks (Zone A and B)

^The ePass can only be used on Monday to Friday during 10am-10pm, except Public Holidays, and is only applicable to private cars at Harbor North Phase 2-3 carparks (including Contactless Parking Service), but is not applicable to Victoria Harbor residential visitor (hourly rental) carpark

The Point EV Super Charging 
To further bring you a seamless quality experience, 2 The Point EV Super Charging  are now available at   Harbour North Phase 2&3 Carpark (Zone A).

The Point EV Super Charging 
Spot Type Fee
C14, C15 CCS2 DC 1,500 points (or pay HK$40) / 15 mins
(counts as 1 session)^#

^Each member can enjoy a maximum of two sessions, with a total duration of 30 minutes, each day in each participating mall. The charging service will be stopped after 30 minutes charging service
#Penalty charge HK$5/min by credit card will be charged if vehicle still remains at the EV charging space 5 minutes after charging service stopped.

Free Parking & Valet Parking Service

Valet Parking Service Hours Valet Parking Rate
Location of Valet Parking
Valet Parking Enquiry Hotline
07:30 – 23:59 daily HK$80 per hour (Cash only) – Weekdays, Weekends & Public Holiday) 1 North Point Estate Lane, North Point, Hong Kong (Carpark Entrance of Hyatt Centric Victoria Harbour Hong Kong) 2805 6605

Simply drive up to valet parking zone located at G/F of Harbour North while you shop. Parking staff will be at your service


Hourly Parking Rate For Pricate Cars*

Mon to Fri:HK$33 / hour
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays:HK$38 / hour

Hourly Parking Rate For Coach Bus*

0-30 mins:HK$22 
31-60 mins:HK$28
61-90 mins:HK$35
Every 30 mins thereafter:HK$22

*The Rate is for reference only